The branding project's shown are all designed following my own briefs I set myself and challenges in order to gain more skill within branding and purely because it's something I enjoy within design and something I wish to carry with me as a designer. The first project that is displayed "The Sweet Retreat" is something that I decided to create that would be used for a potential cafe and I feel that this project worked really well and the the process to the finished piece went well. I found that being able to come up with all these ideas was great because it allowed me to experiment to the full potential. In the middle of the page there are some logos named "Emma's Graphics" these were created as part of my self branding for my design account where all my work and designs are for the public to look and and share. The last project is called "peachy pink&co" and this brand is based for a potential cosmetic brand and I decided that I wanted the designs to be very typographic and bold but with a specific colour scheme of pink and black the process for this was really good but the only problem I faced was not enough experimentation for the brand as I found there was so much more I could have done at the time. Although the brand design I did for Peachy Pink&co did not have a lot of design work or experimentation added to it I still felt that it was a good brand design and that it still worked well despite the lack of in depth experimentation.